trans:form:ed Bogota // February 10 - 13, 2019
trans:form:ed is for senior leaders who are expected to lead teams and organizations in times of ambiguity, unpredictability and constant change. Our goal is to set the conditions for the emergence of specific qualities and behaviors which are expected of these leaders.
Join a remarkable group of executives, investors, innovators and change-makers for 3.5 days of unique experiences in and around Bogota, Colombia. Stay at an organic coffee farm that has applied a human-centered approach to improve the lives of 200 coffee-growing families. Learn about conflict and social change from Bogota’s graffiti artists. Explore innovations in payments that are pulling millions of people out of the informal cash economy. Visit some of Colombia’s best restaurants, which are collaborating with arts, artisans and farmers in new and unique ways. Reflect on your experience at a former illegal coca farm that is now a micro-enterprise, employing former guerrilla members and exporting legal crops to Europe and North America.
We are creating an experience for participants that breaks away from traditional programming, such as executive education courses, conferences and trade shows. we will take leaders to extraordinary locations where change is happening at a large scale, and expose them to people at the forefront of societal change. our goal is to create the right conditions for the emergence of certain qualities that are expected of leaders today, such as lateral thinking, pattern finding, systems design, and leading through ambiguity.
We hope to see you in Bogota!